Nail Your Next Phone Interview With These 13 Tips [Infographic]

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Phone interviews are awkward. It’s nerve-racking, trying to impress a stranger on the other end of the phone without the benefit of body language. Every time the two of you speak over one another by accident, you cringe a little more.

But no matter how uncomfortable phone interviews are, they’re integral pieces of the hiring process for most organizations. If you want a job, there’s a good chance you’ll have to ace a phone screen.

Personal lenders NetCredit  recently put together a new infographic  that covers 13 tips for a perfect phone interview. The graphic offers suggestions for pre-interview prep, during-interview best practices, and post-interview follow up. So don’t sweat your next phone interview – just follow NetCredit’s advice below:

13 Tips for the Perfect Phone Interview_Recruiter

By Matthew Kosinski