More Jobs Added In September, 27k Decrease from August
The private service-providing sector expanded the most last month with 144,000 jobs. This is still a decrease of 31,000 jobs from the number of jobs added in August. Of the small, medium and large businesses, medium businesses experienced the largest increase last month with 64,000 new positions.
“This month’s ADP National Employment Report shows an increase of 162,000 new jobs in September,” said Carlos A. Rodriguez, president and chief executive officer of ADP. “Today’s report shows that year-to-date employment gains averaged 171,000 jobs per month, compared to an average increase of 138,000 jobs per month compared to the same period last year.”
ADP also reports monthly on businesses with fewer than 50 employees in the ADP Small Business Report, a subset of the national report. Employment in small businesses—those with up to 49 workers—increased by 81,000 jobs in September. ADP partners with Macroeconomic Advisers, LLC to create the report.