Moments of Insight: How 6 Entrepreneurs Found Their Career Focuses

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Welcome to Recruiter Q&A, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question you’d like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter Q&A!

Today’s Question: How did you find focus in your career – and do you have advice for others who feel lost?

The answers below are provided by members of FounderSociety, an invitation-only organization composed of ambitious startup founders and business owners.

uchechi1. Stop Focusing on Your Title

I decided to stop focusing on the job and title I had and instead started focusing on the impact I wanted to make. Once I did this, everything fell into place.

In my company, I wear many hats as a tech CEO, public speaker, and writer. Sometimes, I feel like I’m scattered, but then I stop and ask myself this question: “Are you fulfilling your desire to create positive experiences via the written, spoken, and digital worlds?” The answer is always “yes.” I would encourage other entrepreneurs who feel lost to write about what’s most important to them personally.

Uchechi Kalu Jacobson, Linking Arts Web Design & Development  

Tony2. Align Your Career With Your Personal Purpose

Finding focus in my career has been all about being clear on my personal purpose. For me, this has required spiritual growth, spending time with a professional coach, and a consistent practice of meditation. As Steve Jobs once said, “[Focus] means saying ‘no’ to the hundred other good ideas that there are.”

Tony Banta, Live Mercury, Inc.  

ryan3. Practice Patience

One of my managers once told me that I was very eager but needed to practice patience. This has always stayed with me. Eagerness is only constructive when paired with patience; then, it can be directed and enduring. Eagerness is a valuable characteristic, but it will not bring focus to your career.

Ryan Meghdies, Tastic Marketing  

jessica4. Trust Your Gut

You have to be passionate. Passion will help you stay motivated so you can pursue your goal until you reach it.

My best advice is to trust your gut. Don’t let doubts or the experiences of others confuse you. My motto: If you are not sure, then do not do it! Don’t let doubts confuse you. If something doesn’t feel right, let it go.

Jessica Baker, Aligned Signs  

steve5. Never Get Complacent

One thing I’ve noticed about many entrepreneurs is that they tend to settle into routines. Then, when the time comes for them to challenge themselves, they’re lost as to how to do so.

I never view any job as permanent. Instead, I look at myself as a permanent contractor. Put as much effort as you can into doing excellent work, and always seek to learn something new.

Steven Buchwald, Buchwald & Associates  

bryan6. Make Your Clients’ Goals Your Own

I find that when I make my client’s goal my goal, I gain a laser-like focus. I’m no longer trying to sell something; I am trying to figure out ways to help the client achieve what they are trying to accomplish. When I do this, I begin considering what I would do if I were them. Try it: You’ll see what I mean.

Bryan Driscoll, Driscoll Insurance Services, LLC  

By Recruiter Q&A