Matchmaking Comes to Jobs: eHarmony to Launch Job Board
Just as eHarmony tries to match people at a deeper level than other sites, the article states that eHarmony wants to try to help people get into careers that “really satisfy them at a deep level.” The article states “Another service EHarmony plans to introducein the first half of 2013 is a job-searching site. It will be designed to help people understand their strengths, passions and the type of environment that best suits them.”
When describing recruitment technology and job matching services, many companies try to describe their product offering as “the eHarmony of job search “. If eHarmony is to introduce their own job matching service, it appears now that, well… only eHarmony will be the eHarmony of job search.
Warren, clearly attempting to build the most valuable company possible, may be looking at the incredible success of connection and matching services when applied to the recruitment and employment industries. The growth of LinkedIn into an 11 Billion dollar juggernaut is the most clear example of recent success. As LinkedIn, eHarmony appears to be focusing a lot of effort on social science and big data by ramping up hiring in those areas.
With big roll-ups like Bullhorn’s recent move, the sale of, the introduction of a Facebook job board, LinkedIn’s continued growth, and Monster potentially changing hands, 2013 looks like another hot year for our favorite niche.