ManpowerGroup Tells US Companies: Build Business Leaders Right
“Developing leaders who can navigate volatility and build the flexible workforce needed to fulfill a business strategy is too often, today, just a concept versus a top priority for executive teams,” Jeffrey A. Joerres, ManpowerGroup Chairman and CEO, said. “The unpredictable nature of today’s economy is forcing all business leaders to make quick, yet carefully vetted decisions. All business leaders must think very critically about the complex decision-making skills required by their executive teams in the Human Age.”
According to the group’s 2012 Talent Shortage Survey, nearly 50 percent of U.S. employers have been unable to fill critical positions but 56 percent of respondents said the unfilled positions would have little to no impact on constituents.
“Complacency does not enable a company to manage risk, find the best talent or make effective business decisions,” ManpowerGroup President Jonas Prising said. “Business decisions in the Human Age carry more risk than ever before. A specific mix of skills and mindsets need to be developed in leadership teams to frame the right context for the decision-making process.”
ManpowerGroup projects a 12 percent jump in employment in Q1 2013 over the previous quarter, a 1 percent bump over Q4 2012 growth. The data are the strongest since Q1 2008 and 3 percent higher than the predicted 9 percent employment growth in Q1 2012. The statistics indicate continued optimism among hiring decision makers coming off of the 2012 holiday season.