Manage your Employee Lifecycle with Sumtotal Systems
Big name brands with proven success in their respective industries can’t be wrong. Take AstraZeneca, Exempla Healthcare, Sony and JP Morgan for example, all of who make use of Sumtotal products. They’ve recognized the gains that can be achieved by properly managing the lifecycle of employees, from the interview process to the time of their hire, right through the duration of their employment and well into retirement.
Sumtotal has a number of comprehensive solutions that cover all aspects of the employee lifecycle. From the beginning, their talent management software helps human resources professionals monitor the performance of their employees, for a more streamlined annual review process and allows for 360 feedback, bringing both supervisors, the employee and their peers into the evaluation process. The talent management component also provides complete compensatory information and aides with individual career development.
If you’re simply looking for a solution to automate a part of your scheduling process, Sumtotal has workforce management software. Scheduling can be a hassle, especially if you manage the schedules of many shift workers or independent contractors. Draw up schedules with ease by using Sumtotal’s scheduling module as well as their time and attendance line, that will easily allow you to see where your employee’s are and what they are doing at any given time. Time and attendance programs cut payroll costs significantly by diminishing human error and automating the process instead.
Several organizations have employee’s who travel, either long or short distances and as a result, incur expenses that are covered by the company that they work for. Sumtotal has an expense management system to rival any other in the industry and will give you a clear, concise overview of your employee’s expenses, help you to make travel arrangements and also show you the best possible way to reduce your employee expense costs. What could be better or more effective than a software program that gives you the information that you need and the power to reduce your overhead?
Sumtotal’s superior human resources management software will blow you away, managing employee profiles, job descriptions and core competencies, all with just a few clicks of your mouse. Facilitate the compensatory process with an outstanding payroll and benefits module, both of which have reporting functions so you won’t come up short at your next budget meeting.
Whether you hail from a consulting agency or work in education, Sumtotal has a strategic industry solution customized for your business. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to make the most of your most valuable and multifaceted resources—your very own staff! Sumtotal is a step in the right direction towards growth and unlimited revenue potential.