Manage Employee Benefits with Businessolver
You get a new hire and there is paperwork that needs to be filled out. Enrollment forms, dependent information and proper identification need to be provided to the company. If the HR department handles the benefits administration internally, then the application needs to be entered into the system, uploaded and sent to insurance.
What is far more time consuming comes afterward, with the calculation of premiums and this is complicated further if your organization provides retirement plan matching or another premium-based service.
Have you ever wondered what you could be doing with all of that extra time you would have if you didn’t have to manage the employee benefits? Well, start finding ways to spend this newly found time, because a company called Businessolver is the answer that you have been looking for.
You can forget about errors with enrollment because Businessolver handles the imputing and maintenance of benefits information themselves, providing HR professionals with all of the information that they need at their fingertips.
Your HR department still has unfettered access to the benefits information, of course, so that employees can continue to deal with their own staff as opposed to having to deal with a third party by telephone.
HR professionals have access to enrollment information, changes in status, changes in dependents and billing information. If you need to post a message to an employee, you can also do so through the system. The employees, who will have their own individual accounts as well, can print off benefits forms and review all of their current benefits and enrollment information including their entitlements and benefit level.
Employees can also print off additional benefit cards, see what has and has not been paid by insurance and modify their personal information using the many self-service tools provided by your customized Businessolver site.
Perhaps the feature that we like the best about Businessolver (and trust us, we like them all) is that they provide assistance with COBRA Administration in order to reduce the amount of administration that needs to come from your end while ensuring that you stay compliant.
The service provides you with monthly reports in the event of an audit as well as the most up-to-date information on any regulatory or legislative changes that you need to know about. Process COBRA notifications, elections and terminations using the web-based processing service to help you save time and money.
Businessolvers system is totally customizable. You can even upload videos to provide critical benefit plan information to your employees. Behind the scenes, you have the advantage of being able to print reports, billing information and much more just with a few clicks of your mouse. Make your quarterly reporting obligations much easier by taking advantage of this incredible service.
If you have been considering outsourcing your benefits administration, now would be a good time to do it. Businessolver provides a very straightforward service, at a price that you simply can’t refuse.