Looking for Professional-Level Part-Time Work? These 50 Companies Are Hiring:
Part-time jobs are becoming an increasingly common work arrangement, with more than one in six U.S. workers holding such jobs. While we might traditionally associate retail, food and beverage, and other similar industries with part-time work, these kinds of jobs are also proliferating in surprising fields like healthcare and education.
“Professional part-time jobs are definitely on the rise, and this may have to do with the rise of the ‘gig economy’ and freelance work,” says Brie Weiler Reynolds, senior career specialist at flexible work careers site FlexJobs. “More employers are realizing that they can either retain great workers or find new fantastic hires by opening themselves up to considering part-time.”
Part-time positions can help employers tap into often overlooked sources of talent, like “moms and dads, caregivers, people with health issues or disabilities, military spouses, retirees, and anyone who wants to work, but is looking to do so part-time,” Reynolds says.
But a word of warning to employers who are eager to hire part-timers: Make sure your roles are actually part-time!
“Employers need to carefully craft the duties and descriptions for their part-time jobs to make sure they are truly part-time,” Reynolds says. “Because we’re talking about professional-level part-time jobs, these roles are often thought of as full-time jobs, so it’s important for employers to truly craft them as part-time jobs.”
This includes being very specific about what “part-time” means in the context of the role. Is it 10 hours a week? 20? 30?
“Be clear about this up front to save time considering candidates who can’t fit your needed hours,” Reynolds says.
Similarly, professionals looking for part-time work should be clear about their availability and what part-time work looks like for them.
“Part-time jobs can vary from just a handful of hours every week to 35 or more hours,” Reynolds says. “Pay attention to each description to figure out how many hours you’re committing to, and make sure any jobs you apply for match your expectations for how many hours you’d like to work.”
Reynolds also stresses the importance of taking your job search just as seriously as you would when looking for full-time work. After all, these are still professional-level jobs.
“These roles will require resumes, cover letters, rounds of interviews, and most of the typical job search activities,” Reynolds says. “Just because they’re part-time doesn’t mean they’re more casual.”
Who’s Hiring Professional-Level Part-Timers?
To help find these professional-level part-time roles in the employment market, FlexJobs looked at which companies posted the most part-time roles to its database during the first quarter of 2017. The top 10 companies hiring the most part-time roles during that period are listed below, and you can find the full list of 50 over at FlexJobs.