Littler Brings To Light Eight Issues For Global Employers in 2012
Garry Mathiason, chairman of the board at Littler, states, “From dangerous workplaces to social media to whistleblowing, the global employment trends we are seeing are a clear reflection of the social and economic times in which we are living. The change in social policy based on a transformed global economy is driving an evolution in the work we do for clients. These trends are an important part of the future of global employment law.”
The eight issues for global employers are as follows:
- The first challenge will be dangerous workplaces, as many more job applicants are accepting jobs in places that are unsafe in the world.
- The second challenge is social media and global privacy. As the use of social media increases, issues arise like personal and company privacy.
- The third issue is whistleblowing and overcoming corruption, as more governments are promoting and applauding those who bring unethical situations to light.
- The fourth challenge is discrimination, as there is discrimination against the unemployed, those that experience economic adversity, and migrant workers.
- The fifth issue is third party funding of litigation, as whistleblowers are creating a new market where hedge funds are investing.
- The sixth is global mobility with a high percentage of migrant workers and more short-term global assignments.
- The seventh is the increase of the contingent workforce globally, which surfaces various employment law compliance issues.
- The eighth issue is the rise of international enforcement of arbitration agreements, which should help HR standards to become more harmonized worldwide.
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