Ladies and Gentlemen of the Board: Women Leaders in the Fortune 500 [Infographic]
As 2017 begins, we hope and expect to see more equality in the workplace and more equal representation in the upper ranks of companies – but is this just aspiration, or is it a real possibility?
According to a new infographic from eCard Shack, a digital card company specializing in business eCards, equality is still a long way off in the boardroom. At least, that seems to be the case for the top 10 Fortune 500 companies.
Below, check out the full infographic, which looks at the ratio of male leaders to female leaders in 10 major companies, including Walmart, Apple, GE, and more. The graphic shows that while there has been progress in boardroom representation in recent years, none of these household names has a level of female representation above 27 percent in the boardroom.
The facts speak for themselves: