Labor Department Reports 10 Lowest Paying Jobs in America
The 2013 poverty guidelines from the U.S. Department of Health Human Services state that for a household of one person, the poverty line starts at $11,490 per year. A household of three people living off of $19, 530 per year constitutes poverty. Most of the lowest-paying jobs in the country fall between $18k-$20k per year, meaning if more than one person is dependent upon this income, many of the households represented by these types of jobs are living in poverty.
Below are the 10 lowest-paid jobs in the U.S. based off of average annual salaries:
1. Shampooers—$18,600
2. Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers—$18,720
3. Fast Food Cooks—$18,780
4. Dishwashers—$18,930
5. Attendants, Cafeteria, Food Concession, and Coffee Shop—$19,430
6. Hosts and Hostesses, Restaurants, Lounge and Coffee Shop—$19,570
7. Dining Room and Cafeteria Attendants and Bartender Helpers—$19,690
8. Farm Workers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and Greenhouse—$19,990
9. Amusement and Recreation Attendants—$20,020
10. Ushers, Lobby Attendants, and Ticket Takers—$20,320