Job Seekers: Criminal Records Easier Hires Than Extended Unemployment
When asked to rate the most difficult employees to place, 44 percent said someone who had been unemployed for at least two years would be most difficult, followed by 31 percent who said a non-felony criminal record would take the top spot. Furthermore, 36 percent of recruiters said that being unemployed between six months and one year makes a candidate difficult to hire. Another 17 percent said being unemployed for less than six months makes job placement difficult.
Other stats collected from the survey include:
• 70 percent of respondents said candidates in their 30s are easiest to place in new jobs.
• More respondents said that there is a greater demand for candidates in their 40s than candidates in their 20s.
• Only 1 percent said candidates in their 50s are easiest to place.
• 31 percent of recruiters said that having skills that are no longer in demand makes job placement difficult.
• 26 percent said being out of touch with technology and the modern workplace makes job placement difficult.
• 78 percent of respondents said getting fired is the most damaging factor to a candidates employment prospects.