Job Interviews Become More Objective with FurstPerson SmartGuide
“Human resource managers have been burned too often by the subjective interview, where gut intuitions proved wrong, and the candidate hired turned out to be a poor fit,” Jeff Furst, CEO of FurstPerson, said. “SmartGuide leverages its extensive library of competencies and data analytics to provide recruiters with tailored questions, a structured format and consistent scoring that helps take the guess-work out of hiring.”
SmartGuide standardizes the interview process to both reduce differences between interviewers and create a higher predictability factor for the performance of new hires. The new “smart” technology release can create a single hiring model with multiple forms providing hiring managers the ability to ask differing questions linked to the same competency models. The question, analytics, and scoring system provided by SmartGuide more accurately predict a candidate’s success.
The tool is available in both live and automated interviewing formats allowing candidates to participate in a self-service interview process or a more traditional interview approach. The self-service function records interview via phone then lets recruiters listen, score, and possible advance candidates on any Internet-connected device. SmartGuide is purchasable either as a module or as a standalone product.