International HR Survey Reveals Highest Priorities of Employees and Job Candidates
“The days of providing a one-size-fits-all benefits package and expecting employees to be happy are long gone,” said Dr. Karie Willyerd, chief learning officer, SuccessFactors. “Business leaders who recognize the importance of tailoring benefits, providing training and mentoring programs, and leveraging social media and mobile connectivity will gain competitive advantage, win the talent wars and conquer the generation gap.”
Key findings from the report include:
• Of all age groups, Gen Xers (workers between the ages of 33 and 50) seek the heftiest salaries and highest job titles in the employment market.
• Employees are seeking more benefits beyond monetary perks. Other requested benefits include free food and drink, laundry services, and company-sponsored massages.
• The use of the Internet and social media as a primary means of communications with candidates and employees is increasing but is still a minority method used by most hiring managers and HR professionals.
“The world of recruiting has changed as a result of social media and mobile technology. Millennials send about 3200 text messages a month,” said Willyerd. “The hiring process is no longer just about the face-to-face or phone interview. In some industries and regions, leveraging mobile, social media and online tools is a regular part of the recruiting process. Companies that don’t embrace these tools risk being left behind and losing strong candidates, especially when trying to grab the attention of the Millennial generation.”