Intelligent Working Women Leaning Back? [Infographic]
This quote comes from “Lean In,” MBA Harvard graduate Sheryl Sandberg’s latest book on women, work and overcoming obstacles to career advancement. And in lieu of Sandberg’s highly-publicized concept of women taking the reins (and control) of their roles in business, has created an infographic, “Intelligent Working Women Leaning Back?”
The infographic asks a few important questions as it examines this concept of working women leaning back:
1. Does family get in the way?
- 54 percent of women reported working 9+ hours a day
- 53 percent said balancing work and family is difficult
- Just 32 percent of mothers with non-adult children want to work full-time
2. Are more highly educated women choosing family over work?
- 60 percent of female graduates from elite schools are now working full-time
- Married MBA mothers who earned a bachelor’s degree from a top-tier institution were 30 percent less likely to hold a full-time job
3. What are the solutions?
- Individuals can change their mindset about women’s roles in society, which will help women feel comfortable equally prioritizing work and family
- Companies can create workplaces that allow women to participate as fully as possible, while still leaving time for family relationships
By Shala Marks