Insurance Guide for Recruitment Professionals
Your expertise and knowledge of the professional world is what you’re hired to use in your capacity as a recruitment consultant. Any costly mistake committed with a company by someone in your charge could see you left legally liable for its correction. Questions have been raised as to who would be responsible for the breach of terms and potential legal action made by a worker who you recommended in your professional capacity; this article asks who would be responsible for a temporary worker in the event of your forwarding one to another company in terms of insurance. Put simply, if your name is on the contract of employment, then it is you who will be held liable in case of any negligent actions or conduct performed by the worker.
If you could have foreseen such a scenario, then obviously you would not have taken on the worker in the first place, but in the spirit of the ever-changing business world it’s necessary to prevent any such risks, which is why professional indemnity insurance is something which any recruiter should consider taking out. Not only would you be covered for the cost of any legal proceedings made against you by a company for providing unsuitable advice or expertise – in this case, the worker – but your reputation and finances would remain viable. Any recruitment professional is strongly advised to have this insurance for the sake of forming strong and ongoing relationships with other businesses, as it suitably demonstrates to a client among other things your high standard of professionalism.
Having your name on a contract of employment for a temporary worker also means you’d need to make other preparations for their safety on office premises; public and product liability insurance should cover them against potential property damage and/or injury as well as in the event of stolen, lost or damaged office equipment. With so many offices transmitting and storing sensitive data across many different fields, it’s best to take these kinds of precautions.
Recruiting the right candidate for a specified role is more than simply matching abilities, it’s providing a service for their new employer too; taking out professional indemnity insurance will hold you in high regard when clients come calling.