Infographic Gives Employers the Candidate’s Perspective
The infographic, based off the 2013 SilkRoad Employee Marketplace Survey, delved into the minds of 247 job candidates to gather information on topics like where candidates look for jobs, reasons for applying, and types of communication candidates need.
So, just what did the data show?
Online media is the most important source for candidates to locate open positions
- 67 percent use company websites
- 65 percent use job boards
- 61 percent use referrals
A whopping 91 percent of respondents said the job description is the most important type of information on a company’s website. Also, at 86 percent, LinkedIn is the most popular social networking site for job leads.
Key motivators for applying to jobs range by generation
- Millennials desire flexible work arrangements and a passionate and engaged workforce
- Gen X values work-life balance and opportunities for professional development
- Baby Boomers want good benefits and recognition and rewards for achievement
At 86 percent, most candidates still use a computer to search for jobs, while just 9 percent use a tablet and 5 percent use a smartphone. And, according to the data, job hunting isn’t always a smooth process.
Some of the biggest pet peeves in the job hunting process
- Lack of acknowledgement of resume
- No response after interview
- Poor interviewing techniques
- Inefficient recruiting software
- Focus on technical skill (excluding a candidate’s professional qualities)
Download the full report here.