Infographic Details Occupations that Boost Well-Being
But what does it really mean to have work-life balance and how do you achieve this? has created an infographic, “Happy, Healthy Jobs: Occupations the Boost Well-Being,” to help answer these questions and more.
According to the infographic, Gallup’s 2012 Work and Education Poll revealed that 47 percent of Americans are completely satisfied with their jobs; 42 percent are somewhat satisfied; and another 11 percent are completely/somewhat dissatisfied.
The respondents shared which aspects of their job gave them the most satisfaction:
- Safety conditions of the workplace (73%)
- Relations with Co-workers (69%)
- Salary (30%)
And, the infographic explains, a 2012 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement report from SHRM detailed the top five factors for job satisfaction:
- Opportunities to use skills and abilities (63%)
- Job security (61%)
- Compensation (60%)
- Employee/senior management communication (57 %)
- Relationship with immediate supervisor (54%)
The data goes on to list some of the careers that offer the greatest satisfaction, based off well-being, emotional health and work environment. Those careers range from physician and nurse to teacher and farming, fishing or forestry.
And according to the infographic, job satisfaction is crucial not only for employees, but companies as well. Job satisfaction helps workers win by providing:
- Less burnout (125%)
- Greater job satisfaction (46%)
- More commitment to the organization (32%)
- Better overall performance (16%)
And companies win because job satisfaction results in:
- More productivity (43%)
- Higher retention (37%)
- Higher sales (37%)