Infographic Details Best and Worst Intern Candidates
Let’s face it: Hiring “the right” intern can be challenging; successful recruitment, even at the intern level, can be tough. While your intern candidates may look good on paper, interviews can often be a whole different story. An experienced candidate may arrive and only show interest in a large salary, while others may stumble into your office completely knowledgeable about your company.
Building a strong internship program starts with finding talented young interns who can someday transform into full-time hires. The following infographic compiled by InternMatch, an online platform connecting the best intern candidates and employers, takes a look at some of the best candidates you may come across during your search for a rock star intern.
Some key takeaways include:
- 50% of Millennials prefer having no job to a job they hate
- 40% of twenty-somethings think they’re smarter than their bosses
- 89% of Millennials agree it’s important to be constantly learning on the job
- 40% of Millennials say they should be promoted every two years, regardless of performance
“The Best & Worst Intern Candidates” infographic carefully describes what it means to be “best” and “worst” as an intern. Some definitions include:
Best candidates
The Eager Beaver: Someone who is already blogging and tweeting about your company. They come prepared to hit the ground running.
The Creative Culprit: A candidate who will “wow” employers at every turn with creative approaches.
The Chameleon: This person has no problem adjusting to a fast-paced, ever-changing environment.
Worst candidates
The Cash Cow: Salary is the only thing that matters to this type of person.
The Space Cadet: This candidate is a slacker who procrastinates.
The Cynic: He or she is the epitome of negativity and dissatisfaction.