Influence Lists, Twitter Recruitment, and Beautiful People
Speaking of John Sumser, chances are he’ll write something about how this is actually worh studying as a microcosm of influence in and of itself, which might be the point. Maybe.
Patti Stanger of Millionaire Matchmaker is smack dab on the cover of Dan Schwabel’s Personal Branding Magazine. No comment.
Recruiting gets defined in a lot of different ways and one of those is by comparing it to other disciplines. Marketing is one of the top comparisons and Hubspot is a go-to source of information by a lot of marketers. Meanwhile back at the ranch, it has become apparent that Google+ is here to stay, either through sheer marketing willpower or because it’s actually as good as or better than, many of the tools we’re currently using and we should probably start studying how to use it for business.
Also, you might have screwed up this morning but you don’t have to mess up tomorrow’s. Get a fresh dose of inspiration from Seth.
Did you know that RIM had not only two CEOs but 2 COOs? Nice work if you can get it… Today the Blackberry maker struggles to replace several executives, according to Bloomberg:
Waterloo, Ontario-based RIM’s stock tumbled 75 percent last year as sales slumped, and the two men, both 50, drew investor criticism for releasing products without the features necessary to compete.
Community Manager Appreciation Day is a real thing and as online communities have grown in importance, so too has our esteem for those of us who manage communities (of one sort or another). Many recruiters have taken a page from the community management playbook and vice versa, that’s why this infographic from SocialFresh may be relevant.
Is the UK recruitment industry anticipating a dip? Changeboard has some interesting statistics and a unique breakdown in the areas of retention, engagement and predictions for the interim workforce. It sounds like the UK is following the US into the “project based” economy, no? They also come up with a new term “up-skill”, which I like.
Many of our clients have commented that their HR functions are stretched to the point of breaking. Employees are regularly covering two or more roles – some are covering four – with additional project responsibilities. With no budgets to hire in a highly cost-constrained economic environment and HR being seen as a cost to the business this is unlikely to change in the short term.
Still scoffing at Twitter in Recruitment? Geoff Webb of Radical Events makes a pretty good case for the service, as well as provides a great 101 for any newbies looking to dive in. Check out his Slideshare for tips on great tools and an overview of sourcing and recruiting using the world’s biggest microblog.
Finally, Steve Rothberg steps up to the plate with his definition of the difference between Talent Pools and Talent Communities. Similar to Community Expert Marvin Smith, the caveat seems to lie in having the talent communicate with one another.
If the “community” is a communication tool that allows recruiters to communicate with potential candidates who may have expressed an interest in working for the organization then that, by my thinking, is not a talent community. That’s a resume bank and just a fancy name for what employers have been doing for a long, long time.