iCIMS 12.2 Launches with Google+ Functionality and Software Enhancements
Recruiters using LinkedIn now have the ability to search for candidates, view their profiles, filter results, and link to LinkedIn profiles alongside the iCIMS platform. Users now have the ability to manage expanded candidate information from traditional resumes through iCIMS’ resume parsing technology, which now incorporates more education, skills, and work history fields to supplement contact details. This helps create profiles automatically populated with crucial recruitment information on each candidate.
“iCIMS’ focus is on customer success,” said Paul Melici, Chief Technology Officer, iCIMS. “Our customers are facing a new generation of candidates that has changed the way sourcing and recruiting is done. With iCIMS Talent Platform 12.2, HR professionals gain the latest tools needed to leverage social media and traditional recruitment tools in order to attract, screen, and hire top talent.”
Current customers can learn more about the new capabilities of version 12.2 and sign up for an upcoming Value Webinar at the Talent Platform’s product website.