How to Hire Using Ad-Retargeting
Ironically, however, ad retargeting is not especially new, as it’s been occurring in the general advertising arena for some time. Most of you are probably aware of it actually. Do you remember the last time you bought/studied an electrical gadget from an online store? Did you then find that for the next few weeks (even months), you were uncannily presented with an advert of that product and subtle variations of that product when you were online? That’s ad retargeting. Done badly, it can, of course, be annoying. I mean if you’ve just forked out $1,000 on a new PC, you are likely to be broke and in no position to spend another $1,000 on a PC. Equally, if you’ve just bought a giant fridge, why would you want to buy another giant fridge (perhaps the same fridge) a week later. That is the bad side of ad-retargeting, but done well, you might be provided with subtle variations of follow up on products that you may be in actual need of.
This is why ad-retargeting has persisted and why it is beginning to make an appearance in the recruiting arena as a new and innovative way to attract staff. How so? Consider the fact that statistics, which show that 99 percent of visitors won’t buy on a first visit, but 75 percent abandon with intent to return. But, of the 47 percent who return, 1 in 4 will make a purchase. If we can crudely compare making a purchase to top talent choosing to apply for a job on your site, it seems that the most effective way to convert the highest possible proportion of your visitors into actual applicants is ad retargeting.
It sounds awfully complicated, doesn’t it? Well, it needn’t be, as in recent times a number of ad retargeting services have emerged that can help you to easily re-advertise jobs to visitors who came to your site looking for jobs but perhaps didn’t complete the application. You could then perhaps retarget them with adverts for jobs or your employer brand over the coming weeks to encourage them to return to the site and make or complete their application, thus enhancing your visitor-to-applicant conversion rate.
Below you can find a list of three ad-retargeting services that you can use to help you re-target job seekers who visited your site with strategically placed ads designed to make them return to your site to complete their application.
1. This is a display advertising solution that specializes in ad-retargeting and audience.
2. Adroll. They claim to be the most widely used ad-retargeting platform in the world.
3. They also offer an ad-retargeting solution along with a search retargeting and lookalike retargeting solution.
This is just a small selection of the most prominent providers and there are many more retargeting solutions on the market. For a more detailed look at ad-retargeting services, please read the second part of this article which will follow shortly, titled:4 Ad-Retargeting Tools to Boost Your Careers Site Effectiveness.