How to Develop Successful Talent Pipelines [infographic]
Eaxctly how do talent pipeline views differ? The infographic provides an answer for that:
Talent Pipelines in the eyes of a hiring manager(a few points):
- Based on candidate’s active interest in the organization
- Candidates are relevant when needed
- Screens as many candidates as fits current or near-future need
Talent Pipelines in the eyes of a recruiter (a few points):
- Identifies the right talent early by developing and building an ongoing relationship
- Based on candidates’ overall qualifications, assets in their field
- Reduces time to fill, disruptions from vacancies
The infographic explains the areas that can cause potential leaks in your pipeline process, including unclear position and performance objectives, mapping of the wrong talent, and focusing too much on hiring internally. It notes that only half (50 percent) of senior management level positions are filled internally.
So, what can you do to create an effective talent pipeline? The infographic offers four steps:
1. Plan
Employers must know the prospective roles within your companies and fully understand the positions before engaging candidates.
2. Fill
Use both internal and external resources that cover the entire talent population to fully develop your pipeline with diverse candidates.
3. Measure
Identify strong points within your pipeline, which helps you determine how to secure the right person, at the right time, for the right reasons.
4. Maintain
Avoid top talent “leaks” from disinterest by frequently engaging in conversation and interacting with candidates within your pipeline.