How to Become a Social Media Marketing Specialist [Infographic]
The infographic first explains some of the things a social media marketer (SMM) does. A few duties include:
- Drive traffic to websites to enhance the visibility of a brand, product, service or person.
- Deliver true engagement and interactions to their target audience.
- Use social analytics to identify existing audience demographics and grow the base.
Next it reveals some of the top social media outlets, such as familiar names like Facebook, LinkedIn and Tumblr, and a few unfamiliar tools like Ubermedia and Disquis.
Following this, the the infographic rolls out the three-step process to becoming a SMM:
1. Obtain a high school degree (or equivalent). A social media-related internship during this time helps as well.
2. Get a Bachelor’s degree in PR, marketing, communications, English or journalism. Helpful courses to take include business administration, statistics, public affairs, accounting, and creative and technical writing, to name a few.
3. Also earning a Master of Business Degree in communications, social media, PR and marketing does not hurt. The infographic even lists the top five marketing grad schools: Northwestern University (Kellogg), University of Pennsylvania (Wharton), Stanford University, Duke University (Fuqua) and Harvard University.
And just to ensure all facets of a SMM are covered, the infographic concludes with the earnings potential. Although no current data exists on salaries for SMMs, PR and marketing managers are comparable positions and their median annual salaries are up to $119, 480 (marketing) and up to $95, 450 (PR). The top paying states for these types of workers include New York, New Jersey, and Delaware, to name a few.