Hourly Earnings for Employees Trend Up
Production and non-supervisory employees saw no change in real average hourly earnings between November and December 2011. However, real average weekly earnings rose 0.3 percent over the same period due to a 0.3 percent growth in the length of the average work week. Production and non-supervisory employees experienced an even deeper drop in real average hourly earnings over the year, falling 1.6 percent between December 2010 and December 2011. The drop was a direct result of a combination of falling real average hourly earnings, an over-the-year 0.6 percent increase in the average work week length, and a 1 percent decline in real average weekly earnings.
For all employees, real average hourly earnings from $10.34 in December 2010 to $10.25 in December 2011. Real average weekly earnings dropped from $353.67 to $352.58 over the year. Average weekly hours rose slightly from 34.2 hours to 34.4 hours, over the year. Production and non-supervisory employees experienced a decline in real average hourly earnings from $8.89 in December 2010 to $8.75 in December 2011. Real average weekly earnings for the group fell from $297.74 to 294.83, over the year. And Average weekly hours increased from 33.5 hours to 33.7 hours, during the same period.