Hiring: The “if” and “when” Factors
Question 1: Do you really need this person?
In case the position has been necessitated by a former employee’s departure, you need to review whether the existing team within the department can manage the workload. If they can, the vacant table and chair can be moved to a storage room making more space for those who already occupy the space.
If the position has been created because of a technological advancement, the chances are you will have to fill the post if the technology is essential to your bottom line. But hold on for a second. Did you say the technology is absolutely essential for your company’s survival or bottom line? If yes, please proceed with utmost urgency and hire someone within the next few weeks.
Alternatively, if the position has been created for another reason, weigh your “ifs” before you start paddling in recruitment waters.
Question 2: Will hiring the new employee pay back?
Ideally, the new employee should add value up to three times his/her salary. That means if you’re paying someone $25,000 a year, the employee should be able to generate no less than $75,000 each year for your company. Some companies put that ratio at 1:4 or higher depending on the overhead costs involved in finding and retaining an employee.
If the numbers don’t add together, go back to Question one and do not read any further.
Question 3: How do you find the right person for the job?
First things first; sit down and clearly define the skills you’re looking for in this individual. Having a clear skill set determined, all you have to do now is match every candidate’s skills and experiences with your job requirements. If you’re in a hurry to hire, compromise on a missing feature or two. People usually take time to settle into an environment.
Finally, follow your gut. If you have a feeling about someone, go ahead and take the plunge. Sometimes, sharing this gut feeling with the candidate and confessing to them that you’re taking a big risk for them will make them outperform your expectations. The key word though is sometimes.
Question 4: How much should you pay?
For a job that might have opened up due to departure, you’d already have a number in mind, but for a completely new position the task may be a tad tricky. Before you take out your calculator and start challenging Einstein’s assumptions, snoop around to find out how much other companies in your area are paying for the same services.
In conclusion, remember that there is no point in hiring and managing a team of people if you cannot profit from hiring them. Therefore, your primary objective is to discover ways to provide additional services to your clients. Since most people are talented in more ways than one, it should be relatively easy to convince your team members to diversify into other job streams. This would also give them a chance to discover their own hidden talents and move away from the monotony of lab-mouse routines.
One bit of personal advice I’d like to add here is to offer a reasonable wage to your employee. While you might save a few dollars in the short run, remember that a happy employee will give his/her best and make the effort to keep the job thereby making you look better for hiring him/her in the first place. If you’re having trouble putting a number in the empty space, visit http://www.livingwage.geog.psu.edu/ for help.
And, of course, if you need any assistance in hiring the right candidate, you could also seek help online from sources such as http://www.wonderlic.com/ and others.