Study: Hiring Managers Value Mature Workers over Millennials
The survey uncovered a very positive perception of older workers in the job market where they are viewed as reliable and professional by 91 percent and 88 percent of hiring managers, respectively. Mature workers are those aged 50 years and older and compose a fast-growing segment of job seekers making up over 20 percent of the overall U.S. workforce.
“The rise of mature workers in today’s workforce is a direct result of economic and societal factors,” said Joyce Russell, President of Adecco Staffing US. “These are individuals who long ago paid their dues, and given their years of experience and work ethic, they make excellent job candidates and strong employees — and the results of this survey show how overwhelmingly appreciated and valued they are by hiring managers. National Employ Older Workers Week is a wonderful time to recognize the contributions these employees make to any organization.”
The survey also identified the top ten jobs for the 50+ segment of the workforce and include, from first to last: training/learning instructor; financial consultant/advisor; retail sales representative; tourism guide; customer service representative; non-profit recruiter/manager; accounts payable/receivable clerk; administrative assistant; technical writer; and quality control engineer.