Higher SSI Taxes Leads to Steep Drop in Consumer Confidence in January
Despite avoiding the fiscal cliff on January 1, Congress and the White House allowed Social Security tax cuts to expire leading to lighter paychecks during a time when wages are nearly stagnant. At the same time, economists predict that Q4 2012 economic growth slowed from a surprisingly high 3.1 percent in Q3 down to less than a 1 percent annual rate. Though consumer confidence has experienced recent declines, some parts of the economy are showing signs of revival, particularly the housing and construction industries.
Car sales reached a half-decade high last year climbing to 14.5 million, which is expected to add a further 1 million in 2013. Stocks are also near historic highs as S&P doubled its value from 2009 and is just shy of its record high 2007 performance. However, the economy remains too sluggish to positively affect the struggling job market. Though the addition of about 150,000 jobs per month over the past two years has been enough to slowly lower the national unemployment rate, it remains high at 7.8 percent.