Glassdoor: Nearly 1 in 5 Workers Concerned About Layoffs
The survey of 2,054 adults (ages 18 and older) also showed that despite layoff and re-hire probability concerns, almost half of employees (45 percent), including those self-employed, believe their company’s business outlook will improve in the next six months; 45 percent expect it to stay the same; and 9 percent expect it to get worse.
Other key findings include:
- At 51 percent, men are more optimistic than women (40 percent) that their company’s business will perform better in the next six months. Yet, at 23 percent, men are more concerned than women (14 percent) that they could be laid off in the next six months.
- Nearly one in three (32 percent) employees reported cutbacks at their organization during the past six months.
- External factors affected an individual’s confidence in their personal employment situation. Top factors included: national economic news (38 percent), regional economic news (34 percent), new government legislation (26 percent) and indecision among lawmakers in Washington D.C. (26 percent).
“While employees are hopeful for the future of their company’s business outlook, they remain cautious as to how that optimism will impact their financial stability,” Rusty Rueff, Glassdoor career and workplace expert, said. “In addition, that sense of stability is often influenced by powerful external factors—like economic news and layoff rumors—and, as a result, today’s workforce is feeling increasing productivity pressure.”
See the complete survey results here.