Gamification Platform Released for Corporate Wellness Programs
With low participation a common obstacle for many health and wellness programs, Wellabe seeks to make participation simpler and more satisfying by keeping challenges small and more attainable while earning incentives for completing challenges and receiving peer social reinforcement through the included social networking component. These simple entry points help grow employee engagement and highlight the ease with which healthy lifestyles may be achieved.
Wellabe provides full administrative control to client companies who are allowed to manage all user features, challenge assignments, and groups. All challenges can be customized to align with existing wellness programs along with simple promotion of internal training initiatives, certification, and other goals specific to each company. Initiatives may also be promoted companywide, to specific groups, or to individual employees and administrators have access to archiving functionality, results, tracking, real-time search, competition calendaring, and sponsorship options.
“Wellabe’s user interface is streamlined for both the administrative users and the participants,” said Aaron Sandoval, VP Creative and UX, UR Mobile. “No coding is necessary, and actions are streamlined to keep both admin and participant engagement quick and easy. This is a platform that is simple to set up – and one that employees will actually use.”