Future Track: Visual Communication Goes Mobil-er in 2024
In part I and part II of this futuristic blog trilogy, we envisioned the world of work in 2024, and ways evolving video interviewing technology could benefit both candidates and TA professionals in this very different employment environment. Extra layers of functionality in a video interviewing solution of the future could lead to smarter evaluation and greater certainty all around in hiring. Let’s look ahead 10 years from now to where visual communication and mobile technology are headed.
Human Hardwiring
Wall Street Dailyhas called mobile technology “the biggest tech trend ever,” citing Cisco’s market research which projects that by 2017, mobile device subscriptions will reach 10 billion. Most if not all of these devices are video-equipped. Why? Because getting information visually isn’t just more fun, it’s also what our brains are hardwired to do. Seventy-five percent of the brain’s sensory neurons are devoted to processing visual information. When we can see a speaker’s body language and take in the non-verbal and verbal messages at the same time, interpersonal communication makes a bigger impact.
Visual Becomes the Norm
Video conversations enable people to conduct business, teach students, provide health care, run the International Space Station, and stay in touch with friends and family. Though a lot of this happens with mobile devices, the future means built in screens right into the windshield of a car, the mirror of a bedroom, pieces of clothing or accessories. People will have so many more options as the objects around us make it even easier to have a video conversation anywhere at any time.
Future video interviewing technology would sync with your car or your clothing. Job interviews, reviews of pre-recorded candidate responses, and discussions on short lists could all take place while still paying careful attention to the rules of the road. It will be a new age of hands-free mobility for even better dialog on the go. Eventually, the advantages of today’s video interviewing – greater speed-to-hire and cost efficiency – would become passe. With this new mobile technology, candidates and recruiters would come to expect visual communication and its benefits as the norm in talent acquisition.