Free Guide for Recruiters about Mobile Recruitment
According to Taylor, many Recruiters are not utilizing mobile recruitment to their advantage. He states, “Recruiters have been slow in adopting mobile recruiting as they didn’t appreciate just how fast mobile had grown and how often job seekers were using mobile to search for jobs. By not having a mobile-friendly website employers are not only in danger of providing a bad user-experience but they could also be sending out a message that they don’t care. This could also lead to them losing potential new employees to their competitors.”
Taylor has developed a free practical guide entitled, “How To Get Ready For Mobile Recruitment,” to assist Recruiters learn more about how mobile devices can increase productivity. The guide explains how Mobile Apps and Mobile Websites can benefit the recruitment process and how to see the number of daily website visitors who actually use mobile devices to access the website. Additionally, the guide covers the ins and outs of QR (Quick Response) Codes that are used in recruitment.
Taylor believes that mobile devices are no longer an option for Recruiters but a necessity. He asserts, “In today’s competitive world Recruiters need to use all available channels to promote their company and their vacancies and mobile is one of the fastest growing technology areas that can help companies extend their reach and promote their brand at the same time.”
To learn more about Web Based Recruitment and download the free guide.