February Hiring Boost Reduces Unemployment Rate to 7.7 Percent
While 130,000 individuals were removed from the unemployment ranks due to giving up their job search, 170,000 of the previously unemployed found jobs. Job gains were slightly lower in January than first estimated (119,000 added jobs instead of 157,000), hiring was stronger in December than initially measured (219,000 added jobs instead of 196,000). Improving auto sales and a persistent housing recovery are also spurring more hiring.
“This may not yet be the substantial improvement in the labor market outlook that the Fed is looking for, but it’s moving in the right direction,” said Paul Ashworth, an economist at Capital Economics.
The construction industry alone has added 151,000 jobs since September and 48,000 in February. Manufacturing has gained 39,000 jobs since November and 14,000 in February. Other growth industries in February include retailers (24,000 jobs), education and health services (24,000 jobs), and the information industry (20,000 jobs).