Fair Pay, Flexibility, and Growth Opportunities Drive Engagement in 2017
The results of office snack delivery service Snacknation’s latest State of Workplace Culture report aren’t terribly surprising, but they’re valuable nonetheless. Armed with concrete data on what drives engagement, HR pros can make stronger cases for smart engagement programs to their executive teams.
Anyone who has been paying attention to workplace engagement trends in recent years has at the very least intuited the importance of growth opportunities to employee happiness, but Snacknation’s survey offers sound evidence for the connection. Eighty-three percent of employees at organizations with “a lot of growth opportunities” reported they were happy at work, compared to 28 percent of employees at organizations with “no growth opportunities.
Other top drivers of engagement surfaced by the report include fair pay, challenging work, and flexibility.
Check out the infographic below for more comprehensive coverage of the report, including insight into some dangerous warning signs of low engagement: