Executives Joining in the Act of Social Networking Faux Pas
Morphis was terminated for using social media to communicate company information inappropriately and expressing unflattering opinions about corporate events and individuals. His “crimes” gained national fame and rose through the ranks to be published as a story in the Wall Street Journal. The paper printed several of Morphis’ offending remarks which included:
In a Tweet: “Dinner w/Board tonite. Used to be fun. Now one must be on guard every second.” Dinner must have gone OK, because the next day he wrote, “Board meeting. Good numbers=Happy Board.”
And in a Facebook status update regarding company earnings: “Earnings released. Conference call completed. How do you like me now Mr. Shorty?”
After presenting at a meeting for investors he posted: “Roadshow completed. Sold $275 million of secondary shares. Earned my pay this week.”
Once an unknown source brought Morphis’ posts to the attention of his company an investigation was held, which culminated in his termination. The case serves to emphasize the growing presence of corporate social media policy, most of which include a right to monitor social media usage. The moral of the story here is that if you make damaging comments regarding your employer on social media (or in any public forum), you can, and probably will, be fired.