Crunched for Time? Let Kronos do the Work
The 21st century brings us an abundance of software programs, all of which have the ability to make our daily work lives that much more productive. Improved productivity means extra time that is available to tweak that quarterly report or finally attend that Joint Health & Safety Committee meeting that you’ve apparently been chairing for the last 6 months (oops).
Ever heard of a Greek god by the name of Chronos? If you’ve guessed that he was the Greek god of time then you would be 100 percent right. Managing the time of your staff in any workplace can seem a Herculean feat, regardless of how much of an HR powerhouse you are. Luckily, a company by the name of Kronos (how very fitting) is swooping in to help.
Kronos can work in any workplace, regardless of whether you are a small, medium or large business. They create a time management solution that will both reduce your overhead costs and help to manage your operational budget. With Kronos’ time and attendance software you can monitor trends in attendance, track where your staff are at any given point in the day and ensure that your payroll records go through correctly, avoiding costly payroll errors.
If you’ve ever spent an entire weekend hunched over spreadsheet upon spreadsheet of employee schedules then you will know how important it is that payroll records are uploaded to your payroll program correctly.
What’s the benefit of a program like this? Well for one, knowing what your staff are up to is particularly helpful in rectifying problems with attendance and performance. If you have a staff member who takes multiple breaks when only one or two are allowed other staff may not speak up and instead harbor a grudge against this person. However, being able to monitor the breaks that an individual takes means that you can pinpoint a problem before it gets out of control. This doesn’t just mean the ability to sit down and talk with the staffer to work through the problem, but it means that your employees will trust in your ability to properly manage your workforce. This trust lends to an entirely new relationship with staff and you will find that improved productivity is a pleasant side effect.
Kronos also offers products for payroll and recruitment as well, and their entire suite is geared towards your particular business. Suffice it to say that they have been the experts since 1977. As far as workforce management is concerned, they’ve cornered the market in more than 100 countries around the world.
If you’ve been looking for a better solution to your time and attendance, payroll and HR hang-ups, Kronos is a great place to start. Their user-friendly programs will have you wondering what to do with all of your spare time!