ComPsych Report: Elevated Stress the Norm for Employees
“The percentage of employees in the ‘high’ stress category has remained relatively unchanged in recent years,” said Dr. Richard A. Chaifetz, Chairman and CEO of ComPsych. “People continue to be asked to do more work and this primary cause of stress is compounded by other factors such as uncertainty in financial markets and confusion related to health care changes. This is in addition to ongoing work-life stressors.”
Key findings derived from the StressPulse report include:
• 62 percent of employees experience high levels of stress including feelings of extreme fatigue and being out of control.
• 59 percent of employees grade accomplishing basic responsibilities as their highest priority at work.
• 22 percent see simply being present at work as most important.
• 19 percent rate performance improvement as most important.
• 34 percent lose at least one hour per day in productivity due to stress.
• 31 percent miss between three and six days per year due to stress.
• 15 percent record more than six days of absence per year due to stress.