CareerBuilder Survey: Number of Healthcare Workers Seeking New Jobs Spikes
“Not only are health care organizations dealing with a shortage of high skill workers, they are facing higher demand fueled by an aging population and more Americans having access to medical benefits,” Jason Lovelace, president of CareerBuilder Healthcare, said. “Nearly half – 46 percent – of health care organizations said they have seen a negative impact on their organizations due to extended job vacancies. Long hours and juggling multiple patient needs are taking their toll on morale and retention. The survey shows health care workers are seeking a more manageable work experience.”
Key findings gleaned from the job market survey include:
• 75 percent of healthcare workers feel underpaid, and 29 percent feel extremely underpaid. Over 40 percent of healthcare workers reported not receiving a cost of living raise since before the recession.
• Nearly 20 percent of workers reported being dissatisfied with their work/life balance, with heavy workload reported as being the obstacle most preventing lifestyle satisfaction.
• Almost one-quarter of respondents reported being dissatisfied with their career progress with a noted lack of upward mobility with their current employers.
• About 30 percent healthcare workers are trying to acquire skills in a new field through going back to school (54 percent), volunteering (18 percent), and taking contract work (7 percent).