CareerBuilder Releases 2011 Mid-Year Job Forecast
1) “Nearly half of employers plan to hire new employees from July through December, up from 41 percent in 2010.”
This is welcome news after the dismal hiring figures in June, and the unemployment rate rising to 9.2%. Let’s hope we finally turn a corner into 2012.
2) For the functions most likely to hire, Customer Service (23%), Information Technology(21%, and Sales (20%) held the top 3 positions.
While these departments show the most rapid development, growth seems to sparking up across a range of areas.
“Last year, certain sectors or departments in companies were producing jobs. This year, the U.S. is seeing job creation in all industries, functions and company sizes,” confirmed Matt Ferguson, CEO of CareerBuilder.
3) The top 2 geographic regions expected to hire include the South and the West. While all U.S. regions are trending above 2010 hiring expectations, the South (38%) was clearly ahead with the West (35%), Northeast (34%), and Midwest (32%), trailing behind.
More good news – many Southern States, including the South Carolina ,Florida, and Mississippi (all over 10% unemployment) desperately need their crippling unemployment to subside.
4) “More than one-third of employers are concerned that key talent will leave their organizations as the economy improves, a trend that has become increasingly evident over the last six months.”
This is inevitable, but also a good sign of healthy competition. Health care and technology are slated to become hot recruiting targets for competitive talent.
Be sure to view the whole report on CareerBuilder.