CareerBuilder: Majority of Employers Undermined by Costly Poor Hires
“Making a wrong decision regarding a hire can have several adverse consequences across an organization,” Matt Ferguson, CEO of CareerBuilder, said. “When you add up missed sales opportunities, strained client and employee relations, potential legal issues, and resources to hire and train candidates, the cost can be considerable. Employers are taking longer to extend offers post-recession as they assess whether a candidate really is the best fit for the job and their company culture.”
Internationally, the survey found that of the top ten countries with the highest GDPs, those most negatively impacted by bad hires include Russia (88 percent), Brazil (87 percent), China (87 percent), and India (84 percent). Even countries least affected by bad hires, such as France, Germany, and Japan, saw impact rates at 53 percent, 58 percent, and 59 percent, respectively. Employers from Brazil, Russia, China, and India were most likely to suffer productivity and revenue decline while U.S. employers were most likely to see declines in morale and increased costs of recruitment and training.