Career Recognition Tied to Decreased Turnover, Increased ROI
Highlights from the study include information on the effects of recognition programs on both employee retention and engagement and included:
• Employees who are part of a plan to celebrate service anniversaries expect to work at their company an average of 1.9 years longer than employees who are not part of such a program.
• Effective key service anniversary recognition programs lead to a 4.1 year boost in employee expectations of length of tenure compared to 2.2 years for employees with an ineffective program.
• Effective key service anniversary recognition programs decrease turnover across all generations, especially among employees aged 25 to 44 years (staying 3.9 years longer).
• 58 percent of employees who participate in an effective recognition program think their companies care about them, compared to 29 percent of those without a program.
• 69 percent of employees with an effective recognition program believe they fit in and belong, compared to 51 percent with no program.