Reveals 8 Secrets Employees Don’t Want HR to Know’s Workplace Solutions provides high-impact solutions for employers looking to improve employee wellness and loyalty while reducing costs resulting from care-related absences and distractions. asked two HR career experts about some of the most common situations employees hide: Alison Green, an author and creator of the Ask a Manager blog, and Liz Ryan, founder and CEO of Human Workplace.
Check out their list of “8 employee secrets” and why it may just be a good idea to “spill the beans” to HR after all:
1. Job Hunting
Having a good working relationship with your managers can eliminate this action from being “top secret.”
2. Pregnancy
Green advised to observe your company’s culture, determining whether or not it is family-friendly and/or accommodates to women with young children.
3. Health Crisis
Although this is a big concern, your employer may realize your health issues at some point or another. Green advised not to explain details beyond “I need some extra time off for medical treatments,” unless you desire to.
4. Nanny Quitting
This unexpected change can be very inconvenient, but Green said you should be upfront with your boss and tell him/her. You can ask for a more flexible schedule or work-from-home option, assuring him/her it’s only temporary.
5. Long Commute
Sometimes a long commute can take a toll on workers. Suggest telecommuting, present a detailed plan on its benefits to you and the company.
6. Parent(s) Needs Care
If this concern affects your on-the-job performance, let your manager know you’re working through personal issues, Ryan said.
7. Therapy
Stigmas about mental health issues are common in the workplace. If asked about this, Green advises to not lie, but be vague.
8. Hate Boss
For those who secretly hate their boss, Ryan suggests asking HR to help find a solution based on the actual relationship mismatch, not on blame.
For more information, check out’s article.