Are Wellness Programs Really Saving Employers Money?
The comprehensive program provided participating employees top-level insurance, costing the hospital almost $1,650 in additional costs per family coverage plan. Hospitalizations for employees and their families did drop by over 40 percent for all areas, but much of those savings were erased in payments for outpatient visits and medication. Though the hospital only came out even financially, the study did not measure the program’s effects on productivity or absenteeism.
Another issue frequently addressed through wellness programs, stress, has also received some recent attention. According to new research, one-third of employees suffer from chronic stress which was found to be more prevalent in women than in men. Women also regularly noted feeling underpaid and less appreciated than their counterparts. The primary causes of stress were found to be feeling underpaid (54 percent), having very few opportunities for advancement (61 percent), and feeling undervalued (50 percent).