Are we Really Me-llennials?
Examples, you ask?
At work by 10 a.m., in their skinny jeans, sharing photos of their morning espresso… (PayScale Gen Y on the Job Infographic )
… there’s one con to hiring a fresh batch of college graduates: their attitudes are the worst. (Business Insider)
You do have to speak to them a little bit like a therapist on television might speak to a patient. You can’t be harsh. You cannot tell them you’re disappointed in them. You can’t really ask them to live and breathe the company. Because they’re living and breathing themselves and that keeps them very busy. (Marian Salzman, president of Euro RSCG Worldwide PR North America)
They’re a what-have-you-done-for-me-lately generation…(DigiDay )
They’re narcissistic. They’re lazy. They’re coddled. They’re even a bit delusional.(TIME)
As a millennial, many times it’s overwhelming to constantly read so much negativity and criticism, especially when as you read others “facts” your mind goes, But that’s nothing like me.
Stories say millennials are lazy BUT I worked at seven consecutive internships throughout college and currently work 40+ hours, many weekends and holidays at my full-time, post-grad position.
Stories say millennials don’t want to pay their dues BUT I have many college friends reporting for $20/k in small, desolate towns to build their resumes.
Stories say millennials are all about “me” BUT my weekly Saturday morning volunteer team (we work at 8am sharp) is comprised of no one over age 30.
You may be thinking that the above are only a few examples, but that’s precisely my point. “Analysts” spew forth data and try to say it represents the entire group of millennials when, just like my examples, the stereotypes are not one-size-fits-all.
So, after receiving so much negative “data,” imagine my surprise (and relief) when I came across the “Me-llennials: Is Generation Y Lazy and Selfish?” infographic by Upon first glance of the title, you’d easily conclude that this graphic will stereotype millennials just like all the others, but you’d better take a second look.
The infographic offers some truth when it comes to millennial stereotypes. Just fyi…
- More than 63 percent of millennials have a bachelor’s degree
- Around 63 percent of millennials aged 18-29 are employed and among half work part-time
- 46 percent of millennials want to start their own business within five years
- When asked, 38 percent of millennials said they’d rather take a “promising start-up opportunity” than complete a traditional program
The infographic points out that according to the 2013 Future Workplace’s “Multiple Generations @ Work” survey, 91 percent of millennials expect to stay at the same job for less than three years. While many may count this as disloyal and “me-llennials” being all about moving on to make more money, the infographic also explains why this isn’t the case:
- 58 percent would accept a 15 percent pay cut if it meant working for a company with values like their own
- 45 percent would take that same pay cut for a job that has an environmental or social impact
- 35 percent would take a pay cut for an organization that has a commitment to corporate social responsibility
The infographic also talks about millennials being hopeful for the future compared to Baby Boomers and even differences in workplace styles.
All the data doesn’t paint millennials’ ways of thinking or views as picture perfect or ideal, but at least it attempts to be fair. Check out the full infographic below.