ADP Shows Age a Big Issue in Health Care Benefits
One of the reasons cited for the lower participation rates of younger workers is the provision that allows dependents up to the age of 26 to be covered under their parents’ health plan. The effect also has the consequence of motivating an increasing number of older workers to participate in employer-sponsored coverage plans. Not to mention the rising number of baby boomers who continue working into their later years.
“The ACA is prompting many organizations to re-examine their benefits strategies as they move into 2014, when the major provisions of the law will go into effect,” Christopher Ryan, study co-author, said. “These strategies and others could have a far-reaching impact on employers and employees.”
Other key findings include:
• Employers increased their contribution share for single-coverage plans while decreasing their share for family coverage.
• Health insurance premiums has leveled off after a 7.6 percent increase between 2010 and 2011 and a 3 percent increase in 2012.
• Health plan costs are dramatically different from state to state with New Jersey hosting the highest and Colorado the lowest.