A Look at the 2013 HR and Recruiting Space
Buzz Terms
Where would we be without out our overused, super vague, go-to words. You’d be hard pressed to find a post on recruiting or HR that doesn’t include one, or even all of the following buzz terms.
-The Company Story
-War for Talent
They Made Us Laugh
“Meet the New Circle Jerk of Work ”
Yup, she said it, and it was funny. In this post, Blogging4Job’s Jessica Miller-Merrell talks about over-congratulatory professional relationships. She tells us how to get real and form genuine relationships at work.
“6 Things Rick Astley Would Never Do as a Recruiter ”
In this post we got some insights into the made up behavior of 80s pop star Rick Astley, should he ever become a recruiter. Okay, so I wrote it…it’s still funny!
This article explains why Willy Wonka may have very well been the best recruiter of all time. Maren Hogan of Red Branch Media takes us through each step of Mr. Wonka’s recruiting process.
They Inspired Us
“HR Tech, Wine and the Art of Thanks ”
In this article from Sean Pomeroy of Visibility Software, Sean talks about his passion for work, life, people and wine.
“Recruiting the Hunger Games Way ”
Doug Douglas goes Katniss on us with recruiting practices like standing out, forming alliances and taking advantage of mentors. He shares a few tactics to survive the arena of recruiting.
They Made Us Think
“Psst! Leaders, Are You Really Listening? ”
David Hassell gives leaders a shake in this one and delves into common communication flaws of leaders.
“Leadership is About Emotion ”
Leave it to Meghan M. Biro to school us on emotional intelligence in leadership and how to wise up.
There you have it; a small snapshot of the year passed. Here’s to awesome buzz words and great conferences. As we ring in the new year, please consider how you would like to leave your mark in 2014.