8 Unusual Places to Advertise Your Job Vacancy (Part 1)
So, perhaps it’s time to “break out” a little and consider a pioneering approach to advertising, which involves advertising jobs in unique places that no-one else has thought of – which also puts you ahead of the competition.
Look below for the first four of eight unusual places to advertise your job:
1. On people. This has to be one of the most down right loopy places to advertise your job, but there are people out there, possibly of the more extrovert persuasion, who are prepared to sell parts of their body (typically their face) as advertising space. Now, clearly the zany nature of this advertising channel means it’s probably not suited to the more conservative end of the hiring spectrum. Yet, if you’re trying to create a sense of verve and excitement about your position/company, (perhaps when targeting millennials, graduates, creatives, and PR professionals), advertising on people’s faces is a great viral marketing tool. What’s great is that you can segment your market by targeting specific events, locations to put your face (actually, your sponsored face), in front of your target market.
2. Employees’ cars.Now, this is a very interesting channel for marketing your firm’s jobs. Why not take out some advertising space on your employees’ cars? Particularly the ones who have longer commutes as you will get more “air time” in prime territory—the commuter belt. You could advertise your careers page, employer brand messages, a tip for dealing with the commute, career tips, etc. It would certainly be an unusual way to advertise your company.
Also, if the employee has a desirable, a smart and well turned out appearance and looked happy, they’d also be advertising your company as a great place to work; so make sure you advertise on the cars of your most ‘on message’ employees.
3. Static Billboards.Google impressed us all with their inventive ad location back in 2004 when they placed a complex mathematical problem on a billboard on Highway 101 in Silicon Valley; the one you needed to be a math genius to crack. Having cracked it, the billboard led to a landing page and invited you to apply for a job with Google. So, creative billboard adverts for jobs on roads that your target market frequents are another great and unusual place to advertise your jobs.
4. Online video games.In game advertising, or ‘advergaming’, is where you advertise jobs within the universe of an online game. It might be a virtual ‘in-game’ poster, or billboard or whatever can be made to work as an advert in the background of the game. The point is you can advertise your jobs to people who play these games. However, it is worth noting that when advertising within games you are primarily reaching males between the age of 18 -34, but it will nonetheless be a good channel to reach developers and designers.
But, if you can target different types of games typically enjoyed by different or broader demographics, you might be able to reach a wider candidate market through in-game advertising. I am sure there are plenty of players on the market, but the first in-game advertiser that appeared on my Google search was Zynga, so this might be a good starting point if you are interested.
Interested in other unusual places to post your job adverts? Stay tuned for part 2 of this article.