Welcome to Recruiter Q&A, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers! Have a question you’d like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter Q&A!
Today’s Question: What are some common mistakes you’ve seen recruiters make – or have even made yourself – when trying to attract top talent?
1. Not Following Up
There are instances where recruiters take candidates through a screening and interview process that generates a high level of interest from the employer, only to never follow up with the candidate and, ultimately, lose the opportunity. Recruiters should stay in close communication with candidates throughout the entire process from start to finish, whether they place them or not.
Recruiters often make the mistake of overselling an organization or misrepresenting its company culture in an effort to close a desirable job candidate. This is a huge mistake because it sets unrealistic expectations for the candidate, should they accept the position. Ultimately, you’re setting up the hiring manager and employee for failure.
Cultural fit is such an important part of the hiring process. You must be genuine and accurately portray the company culture. A candidate can have the perfect skill set for one of your open reqs, but if they’re not the right fit for the organization, the hire will not work out. Not everyone is looking for an open floor plan, a ping-pong table, and a fridge stocked with craft beers. Know what your company culture is and what it is not, and be authentic when promoting it to candidates.
If you’re using a tool like Entelo or something similar, it’s way too easy to send out mass emails to a lot of people who seem like a good fit. You’re almost inevitably going to offend someone in the process.
For example, early on in my career, I messaged a woman who seemed like she would be a good fit. What I failed to realize was that she was at a director level and I was pitching her for a more mid-level role. The part that’s too bad is that she would have been a great fit for a different role we opened up a couple weeks later, but we had burned a bridge.
One common mistake is not having an actual hiring date in mind. There should be a set time frame for the recruiter to work in so that they put the position at the front of the list if necessary.
Many recruiters pressure candidates to interview for roles that do not match their skills or career aspirations. We get it: Recruiters get paid for placing candidates. But sometimes, this seems to be the only motivation driving a recruiter as they focus on filling a role with a “body” with little regard for the individual candidate. It usually backfires though, and it ends up being a waste of time for all involved – the hiring manager, the candidate, and the recruiter.
One of the biggest mistakes is the overuse of clichés and buzzwords. Phrases like “a fantastic opportunity” and “you’re exactly what my client is looking for” drip with insincerity and a lack of integrity.
Candidates aren’t buying a used car or a timeshare. This is their life, and the well-being of their family is at stake. Recruiters can show respect by using accurate descriptions and communication methods rather than fluff. Given accurate information, a candidate will see right away whether an opportunity is likely to be a good fit for them. Communicating honestly and effectively will save time and bolster your reputation as a recruiter.