5 Ways To Ruin a New Hire
But, where exactly should you focus this effort in order to engage effectively? Or, too look at it another way, what things might you currently be doing that may be ruining new hires and that you may need to change?
Below you can find out 5 ways you might be ruining your new hire, based on on the top reasons that new employees leave, as revealed by the HCI.
1. Your company strategy is unclear or non existent. Employees have placed their faith in you and want to trust and believe that your business has a clear and effective business strategy to take them forward. Without an apparent strategy, they may worry that the business is wandering aimlessly and that they may not be part of a winning business with vision. Make sure the company’s strategy is made clear in the early days.
2. You have not explained the nature and value of the new hire’s role and contributions. New hires want to know what is expected of them. Who wouldn’t? But, they also want to feel valued and see how their role benefits the organization. They want to be of use. Try and ensure that the employer is given a job description and goals but that a sense of a wider organizational purpose, value and pride is developed around their role.
3. Not providing coaching/counseling at times of need. While new hires can be expected to show initiative, self drive and self directed learning, it is a two way street. Employees who are presented with a challenge and who rise to that challenge expect support from the organization to help them achieve their goals. There needs to be a good balance between challenge and support otherwise new hire can feel taken advantage of and ultimately frustrated.
4. Not helping the employee to socialize and build networks. The more socially mobile employees will not need assistance in collaborating and building networks. However, many employees will benefit from socialization support which could include: a buddy, organized team lunches in the early day, team events, an internal social network of on-line employee profiles, and a welcoming culture to help them socialize and build the crucial fun and support networks they need. Failure to do this can make the organization appear uncaring and leave good recruits feeling isolated and unsupported.
5. Not showing the employee how they can get ahead. Most employees want to feel that there is room to develop and progress their career and that there is equal opportunity for promotion in an open culture. If the employee gets a sense that the organization is not open, transparent and fair about career progression opportunities, it can be demoralizing and frustrating.