11 Ways to Build Your Personal Brand Online [Infographic]
By some estimates, 77 percent of recruiters research candidates online before making any decisions about whom should advance in the hiring process and whom should ultimately be hired. Often, these recruiters balk at what they find after punching a candidate’s name into Google: 35 percent of them have rejected candidates based on information uncovered during their research.
So, how do you avoid falling victim to elimination by Google search? You have to craft a stellar personal brand online.
Every trace of your digital presence must either present a positive, professional picture of yourself to potential employers or be locked away from those employers’ eyes entirely. Otherwise, you’re only hurting yourself.
If you need a little help in jazzing up your online personal brand, Headway Capital’s latest infographic can help. The infographic, presented in full below, runs down 11 ways to build your personal brand, including finding a niche, connecting with others, embracing your idols, and more.
Check it out for yourself – and then get to work: